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Frequently Asked Questions

Southwest Paving Inc

- Licensed, Insured & Locally Owned

- Over 25 Years of Experience

- Free Estimates

(952) 467-9002


Mon - Sat
A close up of a road with two yellow lines on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Southwest Paving Inc

- Licensed, Insured & Locally Owned

- Over 25 Years of Experience

- Free Estimates

(952) 467-9002


Mon - Sat
A close up of a road with two yellow lines on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Southwest Paving Inc

- Licensed, Insured & Locally Owned

- Over 25 Years of Experience

- Free Estimates

(952) 467-9002


Mon - Sat
A close up of a road with two yellow lines on it.

Have a paving-related question? We have the answer! Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information.

  • When should I first drive on the new asphalt?

    In our experience, when the weather is hot (usually 75 degrees or more), it will take asphalt a long time to set up. Ordinarily, we find that you can drive on it after five days. This means that you can go in and out of your garage, but we recommend that you do not park on it for at least two weeks. The sun will draw the natural oils of the asphalt to the surface, making it soft. This is part of the natural curing process for your driveway. According to our team, it will take approximately one year for your driveway to be completely cured. If you're looking for a reliable paving contractor, call Southwest Paving Inc today!

  • What should I do if I see tire marks on the asphalt?

    On hotter days, there is a potential for tire marks to appear. The tire marks will go away with continuous compaction by routine driving. For reliable information regarding your asphalt driveway, be sure to contact us today.

    WARNING: Do not turn your tires if the car is not moving. Marks that might be left by the roller will appear as the driveway is compacted by continuous driving.

  • What if a crack develops in my driveway or parking lot?

    In Minnesota, we've seen that frost penetrates the ground as deep as six feet, and the ground, when frozen this deep, will heave as much as two inches. Asphalt will give to a certain extent, then crack. No matter how much strength the asphalt pavement has when it's constructed, the forces of nature are stronger. This is a normal situation and is not necessarily damaging to the life expectancy of a residential driveway. For reliable parking lot paving, be sure to call us today.

  • Why are there some rocky spots in the asphalt?

    Your driveway has been laid with a paving machine, but there are some spots that were finished by hand. In the spots where handwork was done, the rocks will come to the surface. Sealcoating will smooth out any exposed rocks. Call us today for a reliable asphalt company.

  • Should I sealcoat my driveway or parking lot?

    Sealcoating will fill any expansion cracks and protect your driveway from damaging elements. According to The Spruce, asphalt driveway paving will usually last 15 to 20 years, but sealcoating can help maximize this lifespan. In our experience, sealcoating is done within the first two years after installation. After the initial sealcoating, we recommend that you do not apply another sealcoat more than once every three years. Sealcoating your driveway too often can cause excessive build-up, resulting in a checkered look. When you need an asphalt parking lot or driveway, be sure to work with us. Call today!

  • What are the enemies of asphalt driveways or parking lots?

    Petroleum products such as gas and oil and sharp objects such as bicycle kickstands, grill legs, trailer hitches, and jacks are all common enemies. When storing a trailer with a jack, place a small piece of plywood underneath the hitch or stand. Heavy vehicles, such as garbage trucks, heavy trailers, and construction equipment, can also be detrimental to the life of your driveway. For quality results, rely on the team of asphalt contractors here at Southwest Paving Inc.

  • What type of services do you offer?

    As one of the top paving companies in the area, we offer the following:

    -Residential and commercial paving services

    -Golf course paths


    -Field tiling




    -Parking lots


    -Manhole repair

    -Hydro Seeding

    We can also dump your recycled concrete and asphalt, and we have a crusher to crush any recycled concrete you may have.

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